"Rich Beyond Imagining" Part 3 (note: click the arrow to re-watch the teaching video for this message)

Day 1: Rich Beyond Imagining

Reading: Romans 5:1-11

Devotional: As we begin this journey, let's reflect on Paul's powerful message of being "rich beyond imagining" in Christ. Our reading today reminds us that through Jesus, we have been justified and reconciled to God. This reconciliation isn't just a clean slate; it's an overwhelming abundance of spiritual blessings. Take a moment to consider:

  • Do you truly believe you are rich in Christ?

  • How might your life look different if you lived from a place of spiritual abundance rather than scarcity?

  • Today, ask God to open your eyes to the riches He has already given you in Christ.

Day 2: From Enemy to Friend

Reading: Colossians 1:21-23

Devotional: Yesterday, we explored our richness in Christ. Today, we dive deeper into our transformed status - from enemies of God to His friends. Paul reminds the Colossians that they were once alienated from God, but now reconciled through Christ's death. This radical shift in our relationship with God is at the heart of the gospel. Reflect on your own journey:

  • How has your relationship with God changed since you came to faith?

  • Are there areas where you still feel distant from Him? Remember, reconciliation is complete in Christ.

  • Ask God to help you live in the reality of your new status as His friend.

Day 3: Every Spiritual Blessing

Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14

Devotional: Our passage today expands on the idea of spiritual blessings in Christ. Paul declares that we have been blessed with "every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ." This echoes the sermon's emphasis on the multiplication of blessings available to believers.

  • As you read, list out the specific blessings Paul mentions.

  • Which of these resonate most with you today?

  • Which seem hard to believe or accept?

  • Ask God to deepen your understanding and appreciation of these blessings, and to help you live in light of this spiritual wealth.

Day 4: Freedom from Sin's Power

Reading: Romans 6:1-14

Devotional: Today we confront one of the most liberating truths of the Christian life - our freedom from sin's dominion. Just as the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt, we have been freed from slavery to sin. Yet, like the Israelites, we often struggle to live in this new reality. Paul's words challenge us to "consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus."

  • What sins do you still feel enslaved to?

  • How might your approach to temptation change if you truly believed you were dead to sin

  • Today, practice "reckoning" yourself dead to a specific sin and alive to God.

Day 5: Everything We Need

Reading: 2 Peter 1:3-11

Devotional: We conclude our week with Peter's astounding claim that God's "divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness." This ties together themes we've explored all week - our richness in Christ, our reconciled status, our spiritual blessings, and our freedom from sin. Peter assures us that we lack nothing for living a godly life. Yet how often do we feel ill-equipped or unprepared?

  • Today, identify an area where you feel lacking.

  • Then, prayerfully explore how God has already equipped you in this area.

  • Ask Him to help you access and utilize the divine resources He's already given you in Christ.

"Rich Beyond Imagining" Part 2 (note: click the arrow to re-watch the teaching video for this message)

Day 1: The Depth of God's Love

Reading: John 3:16-21

Devotional: God's love for humanity is beyond our comprehension. Today's reading reminds us that God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son. This wasn't just for a select few, but for the entire world. Reflect on the magnitude of this love.

  • How does knowing that God loved you before you even knew Him change your perspective on your life and struggles?

  • Consider how you can extend this unconditional love to others, even those who may seem undeserving.

  • Remember, you were loved when you were still a sinner. Let this truth transform how you view and treat others today.

Day 2: Reconciliation Through Christ

Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

Devotional: Today's passage speaks of the incredible reconciliation we have through Christ. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. This means that the barrier of sin between us and God has been removed. Take a moment to visualize this - the obstacles that once separated you from God have been cleared away.

  • How does this change your approach to prayer and your relationship with God?

  • Consider areas in your life where you still feel distant from God. Bring these to Him in prayer, remembering that reconciliation has already been accomplished.

  • Live today in the freedom of knowing you have full access to the Father.

Day 3: The Finished Work of Christ

Reading: John 19:28-30, Colossians 2:13-15

Devotional: "It is finished." These powerful words of Jesus on the cross declare the completeness of His work. Our debt has been paid in full. The Colossians passage further emphasizes this, stating that God has forgiven us all our sins. Reflect on areas where you still carry guilt or shame.

  • How can the truth of Christ's finished work liberate you from these burdens?

  • Consider writing down any lingering guilt and symbolically nailing it to a cross, just as Christ nailed our certificate of debt to His cross.

  • Walk in the freedom of knowing that in God's eyes, your slate is clean.

Day 4: Living in God's Grace

Reading: Romans 5:1-11

Devotional: Paul speaks of the incredible blessings we have through faith in Christ - peace with God, access to His grace, and hope in His glory. Even in our sufferings, we can rejoice because of God's love poured into our hearts.

  • How have you experienced God's grace in your life recently?

  • In what areas do you need to more fully embrace and live in this grace?

  • Consider how you might extend this grace to others, especially those who are difficult to love. Remember, we love because He first loved us.

    Let God's abundant grace flow through you to others today.

Day 5: Our Rich Inheritance in Christ

Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14

Devotional: Today's passage reminds us of the spiritual blessings we have in Christ. We are chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, and sealed with the Holy Spirit. This is our inheritance as God's children. Take time to meditate on each of these blessings.

  • How does knowing you are chosen by God impact your self-worth?

  • How does being adopted into God's family change how you face life's challenges?

  • Reflect on areas where you may not be living in the fullness of this inheritance. Ask God to help you grasp more fully the riches you have in Christ and to live from this place of abundance.

"Rich Beyond Imagining" Part 1 (note: click the arrow to re-watch the teaching video for this message)

In this powerful exploration of Romans 5:9-11, we're invited to embrace the profound truth of our salvation from God's wrath. The central message revolves around the incredible reality that as believers, we are not only justified by Christ's blood but also eternally, prophetically, and presently saved from God's wrath. This isn't just about future salvation; it's about our current standing before God. We're challenged to grasp the magnitude of God's grace and love, understanding that He no longer punishes us for our sins. This radical concept of 'no more punishment' stems from the new covenant established by Jesus. We're encouraged to see ourselves through God's eyes - as people of great faith who have trusted in an invisible God. This perspective shift can transform how we view our daily struggles and challenges, reminding us that God is for us, not against us. As we internalize this truth, we're invited to live in the freedom and joy of God's unconditional love and acceptance.

"The Ultimate Pardon" (note: click the arrow to re-watch the teaching video for this message)

In this powerful exploration of Romans 5:6-11, we delve into the profound concept of God's unconditional love and forgiveness. The central message revolves around how God demonstrated His love for us while we were still sinners, highlighting the stark contrast between human love and divine love. We're challenged to grasp the magnitude of Christ's sacrifice - dying for the ungodly, not the righteous. This passage beautifully illustrates how God's love transcends our understanding, offering salvation not based on our merits, but on His grace. The parallels drawn between presidential pardons and God's forgiveness provide a tangible way to understand the scope of divine mercy. As we reflect on this, we're encouraged to embrace God's love fully, understanding that our salvation is secure not through our works, but through faith in Christ's finished work on the cross. This message invites us to live in the freedom of God's forgiveness, rejoicing in His acceptance and allowing His love to transform our relationships with others.

"FREEDOM! Now What??" Part 2 (note: click the arrow to re-watch the teaching video for this message)

Day 1: Embracing Your New Identity in Christ

Reading: Romans 5:1-5, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

Devotional: Today, we focus on the incredible truth of our new identity in Christ. As believers, we've been justified by faith and made righteous through Jesus. This isn't just a legal declaration - it's a complete transformation of who we are at our core. Reflect on the phrase "we have become the righteousness of God" (2 Cor 5:21). How does this change your view of yourself? Your relationship with God? Take time to thank God for this new identity and ask Him to help you live in the reality of it daily. Remember, your true self - your spirit - loves righteousness and is allergic to sin. When you struggle, it's not your new nature, but the flesh. Choose today to live from your new identity in Christ.

Day 2: Standing in Grace

Reading: Romans 5:1-2, Hebrews 4:14-16

Devotional: Today we explore the incredible privilege of standing in grace. Through Christ, we have constant access to God's throne of grace. This isn't about following rules or earning God's favor - it's about living in a perpetual state of His unmerited love and acceptance. How often do you approach God with boldness and confidence? What holds you back? Meditate on the truth that God delights in you and longs for intimate fellowship. He's not waiting for you to "shape up" but invites you to come as you are. Practice approaching God boldly today, sharing your heart openly and receiving His love freely. Let this grace transform how you relate to Him and others.

Day 3: The Indwelling Presence of God

Reading: John 14:15-21, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Devotional: One of the most profound truths of our salvation is that God Himself - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - now dwells within us. This isn't just a nice idea, but a transformative reality. The infinite, eternal God has made His home in your heart. How does this change your perspective on daily life? On your struggles? On your potential in Christ? Take time to quiet your heart and become aware of God's presence within you. Talk to Him as your closest friend and most intimate companion. Ask the Holy Spirit to make you more conscious of His indwelling presence throughout your day. Let this truth shape how you view yourself and how you approach every situation.

Day 4: From Enemies to Friends

Reading: Romans 5:6-11, John 15:9-17

Devotional: The gospel tells the astounding story of how we, once enemies of God, have been reconciled and made His friends through Christ. This isn't just about a change in status, but a complete transformation of our relationship with God. He no longer relates to us based on our performance, but on Christ's perfect work. How does knowing you're God's friend change how you approach Him? How you live your life? Reflect on times you've felt distant from God due to failure. Now, embrace the truth that nothing separates you from His love. He delights in you always. Choose today to live as a friend of God - open, vulnerable, and deeply loved.

Day 5: Hope and Joy in Suffering

Reading: Romans 5:3-5, James 1:2-4

Devotional: As believers, we're called to a paradoxical response to suffering - we can rejoice in our trials. This isn't because suffering itself is good, but because through it, God produces endurance, character, and hope in us. Moreover, we have the assurance of God's love poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. How does this perspective change how you view current struggles? Take time to list current challenges you face. For each one, ask God to show you how He might be using it to produce spiritual growth. Thank Him for His presence with you in the midst of trials. Choose to embrace joy today, not based on circumstances, but on the unshakeable hope we have in Christ.

"FREEDOM! Now What??" Part 1 (note: click the arrow to re-watch the teaching video for this message)

Day 1: Justified by Faith

Reading: Romans 5:1-5

Devotional: As we begin this journey, let's reflect on what it means to be "justified by faith." Paul tells us that through faith in Christ, we have been declared righteous before God. This isn't just a legal status—it's a profound spiritual reality. Today, take a moment to truly internalize this truth: because of Jesus, you stand blameless before God. How does this change your perspective on your relationship with Him? How might it impact your daily life if you truly believed and lived in this reality? Ask God to help you grasp the depth of His love and the completeness of His forgiveness.

Day 2: Christ in You, the Hope of Glory

Reading: Colossians 1:24-29

Devotional: Today's passage reveals an incredible mystery: "Christ in you, the hope of glory." This indwelling presence of Christ is the essence of our new life as believers. It's not just that we follow Jesus' teachings; He literally lives within us. Spend some time meditating on this reality. How does knowing that Christ lives in you change your view of yourself? Of your potential? Of your struggles? Ask the Holy Spirit to make you more aware of Christ's presence in you throughout your day, and to empower you to live from this truth.

Day 3: Peace with God

Reading: Romans 5:6-11

Devotional: Paul reminds us that we were once enemies of God, but through Christ, we have been reconciled and now have peace with Him. This peace isn't just the absence of conflict—it's a deep, abiding harmony with our Creator. Reflect on your life before knowing Christ and the transformation that has occurred. Are there areas where you still struggle to believe or accept God's complete forgiveness and peace? Bring these to God in prayer, asking Him to help you fully embrace the peace He offers. Consider how you might extend this peace to others in your life who may still see themselves as "enemies of God."

Day 4: Sharing in Christ's Sufferings

Reading: Romans 8:16-18

Devotional: As believers, we're not promised an easy life, but we are promised that our sufferings have purpose. Paul tells us we are "heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory." How does this perspective change the way you view difficulties in your life? Take some time to consider current challenges you're facing. How might God be using these to conform you more to the image of Christ? Ask for the strength to endure, and for eyes to see God's work in the midst of your trials.

Day 5: Living in the New Reality

Reading: Romans 6:1-14

Devotional: Our final reading reminds us that in Christ, we have died to sin and been raised to new life. This isn't just a future hope—it's a present reality we're called to live into daily. Paul urges us to "count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus." What does this look like in practical terms? Are there areas of your life where you're still living as if sin has power over you? Today, consciously choose to "offer yourself to God as one who has been brought from death to life." Ask Him to show you one specific way you can live out this new reality in your daily life.

Remember, this new life in Christ isn't something we achieve through our own efforts, but something we receive and grow into by faith. May this week's readings deepen your understanding and experience of the incredible gift of salvation we have in Jesus Christ.

"Living in the Light" (note: click the arrow to re-watch the teaching video for this message)

Day 1: Living in the Light

Reading: John 8:12-20

Devotional: Jesus declares Himself as the light of the world, promising that those who follow Him will never walk in darkness. This powerful metaphor reminds us that Christ illuminates our path, revealing truth and guiding us towards righteousness. Today, reflect on areas of your life where you may be walking in spiritual darkness. Ask God to shine His light into those places, bringing clarity and direction. Consider how you can be a light to others, reflecting Christ's love and truth in your daily interactions.

Day 2: The Danger of Self-Deception

Reading: Matthew 7:21-27

Devotional: Jesus warns about the peril of self-deception, where people may think they're following God but are actually far from Him. This echoes the sermon's caution about light becoming darkness within us. Examine your heart today. Are there areas where you've substituted religious activity for a genuine relationship with God? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any hypocrisy or self-righteousness in your life. Commit to building your life on the solid foundation of Christ's teachings, not just outward appearances of faith.

Day 3: True Salvation and New Life

Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10

Devotional: Paul beautifully describes the transformation from spiritual death to life in Christ. This passage emphasizes that salvation is entirely God's work, not our own – a theme strongly emphasized in the sermon. Meditate on the incredible gift of grace you've received. How has God raised you from spiritual death to life? Express gratitude for this unmerited favor. Consider how you can live out your new life in Christ, allowing His light to shine through your good works, not for your own glory, but to point others to Him.

Day 4: Walking as Children of Light

Reading: Ephesians 5:8-14

Devotional: As believers, we are called to walk as children of light, discerning what is pleasing to the Lord. This involves a continual process of growth and transformation. Reflect on your daily choices – do they align with your identity as a child of light? Ask God to help you identify any "unfruitful works of darkness" in your life that need to be exposed and eliminated. Commit to pursuing goodness, righteousness, and truth in all areas of your life, allowing Christ's light to shine brightly through you.

Day 5: The Heart of True Religion

Reading: James 1:19-27

Devotional: James challenges us to be doers of the word, not merely hearers. This aligns with the sermon's critique of empty religiosity versus genuine faith. Examine your spiritual life – is it characterized by outward religious observances or by a transformed heart that impacts your actions? Reflect on areas where you may need to "bridle your tongue" or care for those in need. Ask God to help you cultivate a pure and undefiled religion that goes beyond surface-level piety and truly reflects His heart of love and compassion.

“The Birth of Christ: Saved from Our Sins!” (note: click the arrow to re-watch the teaching video for this message)

Day 1: God's Unfailing Love

Reading: John 3:16-21

Devotional: God's love for humanity is at the core of the Christmas story. Jesus came into the world not to condemn us, but to save us. Reflect on the depth of God's love that would compel Him to send His only Son to earth. How does knowing that God loves you unconditionally change your perspective on life's challenges? Today, look for ways to extend God's love to others, especially those who might feel unworthy or unloved.

Day 2: The Gift of Salvation

Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10

Devotional: Salvation is not something we can earn through good deeds or religious rituals. It is a gift from God, freely given through faith in Jesus Christ. Consider the freedom that comes from knowing your salvation is secure in Christ, not dependent on your own efforts. How might this truth change the way you approach your relationship with God? Take time to thank God for His grace and express your faith in Jesus as your Savior.

Day 3: Emmanuel - God With Us

Reading: Matthew 1:18-25

Devotional: The name Emmanuel means "God with us." Jesus' birth fulfills the prophecy that God would dwell among His people. Reflect on what it means to have God present in your daily life. How does His presence comfort you in times of trouble or guide you in decision-making? Today, practice being aware of God's presence in every moment, acknowledging Him in both the mundane and significant aspects of your day.

Day 4: Faith That Transforms

Reading: Hebrews 11:1-6

Devotional: Faith is the cornerstone of our relationship with God. It's not just believing facts about God, but trusting Him completely with our lives. Consider areas in your life where you struggle to trust God fully. What fears or doubts hold you back? Remember that faith, even as small as a mustard seed, can move mountains. Take a step of faith today in an area where you've been hesitant, trusting God with the outcome.

Day 5: Hope in Suffering

Reading: Romans 8:18-39

Devotional: The Christmas story reminds us that Jesus entered a world full of pain and suffering. Yet, His coming brings hope that transcends our current circumstances. Reflect on how the promise of God's eternal presence and love can sustain you through difficult times. What current struggles are you facing that you need to entrust to God? Today, choose to focus on the hope we have in Christ, allowing it to be an anchor for your soul amidst life's storms.

"God with Us!" (note: click the arrow to re-watch the teaching video for this message)

Day 1: The Word Became Flesh

Reading: John 1:1-14

Devotional: As we begin this journey, let's reflect on the incredible truth that "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us" (John 1:14). This profound statement encapsulates the essence of Christmas and the incarnation. God, in His infinite love and wisdom, chose to enter our world in the most humble and relatable way possible – as a baby. Today, consider the magnitude of this act. The Creator of the universe, the eternal Word, limited Himself to human form to bridge the gap between divinity and humanity. How does this truth impact your understanding of God's love for you? Take a moment to thank God for His willingness to come near, to be "God with us." Ask Him to open your eyes to see His presence in your daily life, just as He was present in the flesh over 2000 years ago.

Day 2: The Son of God and Son of Man

Reading: Daniel 7:13-14, Matthew 16:13-17

Devotional: Today we explore Jesus' dual nature as both the Son of God and the Son of Man. In Daniel's vision, we see a glimpse of Christ's divine authority and eternal kingdom. Yet, in the Gospels, we encounter Jesus asking His disciples about His identity. This juxtaposition reveals the beautiful mystery of Christ – fully God, yet fully man. Reflect on what it means that Jesus can relate to our human experiences while also possessing divine power and authority. How does this impact your approach to prayer and your relationship with Him? Consider areas in your life where you need to trust in His divine power or seek His human empathy. Pray for a deeper understanding of Christ's nature and how it applies to your daily walk with Him.

Day 3: The Father's Testimony

Reading: John 5:19-24, 1 John 5:9-12

Devotional: Today's passages emphasize God the Father's testimony about His Son. John reminds us that believing in the Son is not just a matter of personal opinion, but a response to God's own witness. The Father has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. Reflect on what it means to "have the Son" in your life. Are there areas where you're trying to find life apart from Christ? Consider how your daily choices reflect your belief in Jesus as the source of true life. Take time to examine your heart – do you honor the Son just as you honor the Father? Ask God to deepen your trust in His testimony about Jesus and to align your life more fully with this truth.

Day 4: The Divine King

Reading: Psalm 2, Revelation 19:11-16

Devotional: Our readings today present Jesus as the Divine King, appointed by the Father to rule over all nations. This image of Christ may contrast sharply with the humble baby in the manger or the suffering servant on the cross. Yet, it's crucial to embrace the full spectrum of who Jesus is. Reflect on how you view Jesus – do you tend to emphasize His humanity at the expense of His divinity, or vice versa? Consider the implications of Christ's kingship for your life. Are there areas where you're resisting His rule? Pray for the courage to fully submit to His authority, trusting that His reign is just, loving, and ultimately for your good and His glory.

Day 5: God With Us

Reading: Matthew 1:18-23, Hebrews 4:14-16

Devotional: We conclude our journey by returning to the heart of Christmas – Immanuel, God with us. The incarnation means that God understands our struggles firsthand. Jesus experienced human limitations, temptations, and suffering. Yet, He remained without sin and now serves as our perfect high priest. Today, reflect on areas in your life where you feel alone or misunderstood. Remember that Jesus can sympathize with your weaknesses. How does this truth change your perspective on your challenges? Take time to approach God's throne of grace with confidence, knowing that Jesus understands and intercedes for you. Thank Him for His constant presence and ask for the grace to live in the reality of "God with us" every day.