"Living in the Light" (note: click the arrow to re-watch the teaching video for this message)

Day 1: Living in the Light

Reading: John 8:12-20

Devotional: Jesus declares Himself as the light of the world, promising that those who follow Him will never walk in darkness. This powerful metaphor reminds us that Christ illuminates our path, revealing truth and guiding us towards righteousness. Today, reflect on areas of your life where you may be walking in spiritual darkness. Ask God to shine His light into those places, bringing clarity and direction. Consider how you can be a light to others, reflecting Christ's love and truth in your daily interactions.

Day 2: The Danger of Self-Deception

Reading: Matthew 7:21-27

Devotional: Jesus warns about the peril of self-deception, where people may think they're following God but are actually far from Him. This echoes the sermon's caution about light becoming darkness within us. Examine your heart today. Are there areas where you've substituted religious activity for a genuine relationship with God? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any hypocrisy or self-righteousness in your life. Commit to building your life on the solid foundation of Christ's teachings, not just outward appearances of faith.

Day 3: True Salvation and New Life

Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10

Devotional: Paul beautifully describes the transformation from spiritual death to life in Christ. This passage emphasizes that salvation is entirely God's work, not our own – a theme strongly emphasized in the sermon. Meditate on the incredible gift of grace you've received. How has God raised you from spiritual death to life? Express gratitude for this unmerited favor. Consider how you can live out your new life in Christ, allowing His light to shine through your good works, not for your own glory, but to point others to Him.

Day 4: Walking as Children of Light

Reading: Ephesians 5:8-14

Devotional: As believers, we are called to walk as children of light, discerning what is pleasing to the Lord. This involves a continual process of growth and transformation. Reflect on your daily choices – do they align with your identity as a child of light? Ask God to help you identify any "unfruitful works of darkness" in your life that need to be exposed and eliminated. Commit to pursuing goodness, righteousness, and truth in all areas of your life, allowing Christ's light to shine brightly through you.

Day 5: The Heart of True Religion

Reading: James 1:19-27

Devotional: James challenges us to be doers of the word, not merely hearers. This aligns with the sermon's critique of empty religiosity versus genuine faith. Examine your spiritual life – is it characterized by outward religious observances or by a transformed heart that impacts your actions? Reflect on areas where you may need to "bridle your tongue" or care for those in need. Ask God to help you cultivate a pure and undefiled religion that goes beyond surface-level piety and truly reflects His heart of love and compassion.