Sunday Prayer I 8:30AM
What to Expect: Join us in the Fellowship Hall - Sunday’s from 8:30AM - 9AM, as we gather around tables for a short devotional and time of corporate prayer before the service.
Sunday Service I 9:30AM
(KIDS CHURCH available for 0–12 years)
What to Expect: We open our Sunday morning gatherings with a time of corporate worship, followed by a short time of announcements, and greeting. Following our greeting time, we open the Bible together for the reading of Scripture for the teaching of God's Word from a member of our Pastoral teaching team. Most weeks, we end in coming to the table for a time of communion as a call to abide in Jesus, to recalibrate—to center our lives, our minds, and our purposes on Jesus.
After service, we encourage everyone to join us in the Fellowship Hall for FREE Panera Bread pastries coffee / tea, and time of fellowship with one another.
Mid-Week Prayer & Study I 7:00PM
What to Expect: Wednesday nights is one of our favorite meetings of the week! We meet around tables in the fellowship hall and begin with a time in the Word. After study, our teaching pastor opens up for discussion / questions / reflections on the text. We close our meeting together with a time of corporate prayer.