Our Vision at Center City is "to know the Lord Jesus Christ and to make Him known to others!" It is a vision of a place where people of any age or background can find faith, hope, and love through worshipping the Lord and partaking in communion together.  It is a vision of a place where people are being encouraged to grow to spiritual maturity, through the study of God’s Word and body life.  It is a vision of a place where people are warmly welcomed into the fellowship and treated as family - loving, learning, and joyfully living in harmony together.  It is a vision of a place where we help and serve people from our church and community in practical ways when we are in need. 


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We are located at:
1274 Penfield Center Rd., Penfield, NY 14526 

Contact us:
Phone: (585) 872-2262
Email: calvarychapelcentercity@gmail.com